
Using Video and Video Recordings in Elluminate

We have noticed that several moderators are now using the video feature in Elluminate to project video of themselves and other presenters/participants. While video is a great addition to online sessions, it has been found that “talking head” video does not add much value to instruction. If you do decide to use video to personalize [...]

Limited Use Myths

Recently we heard from a faculty member who thought that he could never request any more Elluminate sessions because we had given out all 200 licenses. This is not true. Please continue to send in your requests for sessions.

200 concurrrent user licenses in Elluminate Academic (and 500 in Elluminate Lite) means that we can, [...]

Elluminate Academic and Elluminate Lite

We have noticed that several moderators are sometimes confused about the differences between Elluminate Academic and Elluminate Lite.

We would like to distinguish the two systems that we have at USF. We have both Elluminate Academic and Elluminate Lite at USF. Elluminate Academic is a full-featured virtual classroom system and Elluminate Lite is a scaled-down [...]